Dr. Brian Holmes,
PA Neurological Surgeon Medical Expert Witness
947 Wayne Avenue, #115
Chambersburg PA 17201
Specialty: Neurological
Surgeon, Expert Witness Neurosurgery, Expert
Witness, Spine Surgery, IME, Spinal Cord Injury,
Complex Spine Surgery, Traumatic Brain Injury,
Spine, Independent Medical Examiner. |
Dr. Adel Shaker, MD, IME, LLB, FCAP, FNAME
International Medical Legal Forensic Experts, LLC
Medical Examiner
1302 Chandler Road
Huntsville Alabama 35801
Physician, forensic pathologist, wrongful death, medical malpractice, child / elder abuse,
toxicology, industrial accidents, motor vehicle
accidents, firearm injuries, custody death, nursing
home death. |
Dr. Michael J. Perrotti, PhD,
Michael J. Perrotti, PhD, Inc.
18200 Yorba Linda Blvd, Suite 109A
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 528-0100
Clinical and Forensic Neuro Psychologist. Expert TV
Consultant for CSI: Crime Scene, Vanished,
Numbers. Expert in neuropsychology, closed
head injury, effects of psychological and physical
trauma, criminal and civil competency, false
confession, family law custody evaluations,
evaluation of child sexual abuse allegations, expert
in disability for social security administration and
dept of health and human services, evaluation of
fitness for mental health professionals.
Gary L. Schmidt, MD, FAAOS
Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
- PA IME Doctor
GL Schmidt Services, LLC
4815 Liberty Ave, Mellon Pavilion, #250
Pittsburgh PA 15224 (412) 578-1013
Specialties: Independent Medical
Exam, Examination, Medical Legal, Medicolegal,
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. Independent Medical
Exam, Spine, Pittsburgh, Examination, Medical Legal,
Medicolegal, Orthopedic.
Dr. Michael A. Kennedy, MD, MPH,
MK Health Services, LLC
560 People's Plaza, #287
Newark DE 19702
(302) 388-4424
Specialties: Physician, PA CIME, IRE
(impairment rating evaluation), Disability
Evaluations, Occupational Medicine,
Consultative Exams, and Impairment Rating
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